A post-apocalyptic journey exploring liberation and gender dynamics

The second solo exhibition of Ilke Cop at Tatjana Pieters Gallery, titled HARDCORE / SOFTSPORE, invites you to enter an alternate universe. This new world has recognizable landmarks but do not be deceived; Cop reversed the traditional power hierarchy. The exhibition symbolically opens with a painting of brightly colored, large-sized mushrooms. The depiction of shrooms reminds the visitor to break free from existing structures and expectations.

Ilke Cop takes you on a journey through her post-apocalyptic universe with fourteen new paintings. The universe of Cop leaves the problems of the current world behind. What does a world without war, polarization or climate crisis look like? The artist's visual language is influenced by the techniques of Flemish portrait and landscape painting - a remainder of her education in art history. The landscapes are comforting featuring mountains, lush green vegetation and flowing rivers. Mushrooms are a striking element and emerge throughout these tranquil scenes. They are enigmatic yet ambiguous signs of life. Essential to a healthy ecosystem, they are in a way the heartbeat of the world, thriving from the underground. However, they also capture a threat, a potential danger hidden behind their colorful appearance. For Cop, mushrooms represent connection and resilience, evoking nostalgia and a sense of liberation.

Cop challenges traditional norms through the characters of the paintings. The female figures are an image of the artist herself. The artist becomes the muse and vice versa. Even though naked bodies are predominantly in her work, they are not approached from a physically, objectifying perspective. Nudity promotes self-awareness and empowerment. The female figure is not held to beauty standards but instead portrayed as a strong and confident protagonist. The figurative art of Cop and other artists of her generation, seeks to liberate itself from its patriarchal history. Her work redefines the representation of women in art, celebrating their strength and individuality.

For the first time, Ilke Cop introduces male characters into her work. In a striking piece, a female figure is sculpting a male body out of sand, challenging viewers to rethink male and female dynamics. By inverting the traditional creation narrative, Cop suggests that masculinity is brought to life through the female persona. This powerful image prompts reflection on gender dynamics and the interplay between masculine and feminine relationships and their impact on society.

In addition to her academic background in art history, Ilke Cop studied fashion design and launched her own fashion label. She seamlessly integrates elements of her design process—such as visual aesthetics, color palettes, and textiles—into her art practice. Drapery frequently appears in her paintings, reflecting her appreciation for the tactile qualities of textiles and for their elegant folds. Beyond their visual appeal, Cop employs textiles as a symbolic commentary on social issues like feminism and (post)colonialism.

HARDCORE / SOFTSPORE is an exhibition that encourages visitors to break free from existing structures and expectations, offering an honest and open reflection on societal issues. The show also sets the potential for a reimagined future. Life in Cop's post-apocalyptic world holds unexpected promise and potential.

‘Hardcore / Softspore’ can be visited until August 25, 2024 at Tatjana Pieters Gallery.

Nieuwevaart 124/001, B-9000 Ghent


Photos (c) Cultuurtoerist.


Master Painting
